How to improve your SME business?

By: Antonio Patiño // Project Consultant

SMEs are an engine in the world; According to Unpyme (National Union of Small and Medium Enterprises) are a contribution of 50% GDP and generate 75% of jobs in the country; additional 70% of companies that bid with the state are SMEs. These figures give us the opportunity to investigate where to improve and reflect on current weaknesses; according to data from CNC (National Competitiveness Center) among some influential factors to failure in SMEs, we have:

Ignore the customer

Not having a system where you keep track of everything from pre-sales to post-sales. It is very difficult to keep track in spreadsheets, not having graphs that trigger an alert just by entering the system, as well as not having a control of visits, meetings, calls and others of my sales and marketing staff. If a customer calls and provides a suggestion or a complaint we must have a history of each call or follow-up that is provided to the customer; this way you can build loyalty and a reputation with your prospects and customers.

Do not contact marketing professional

By implementing a CRM system like InterFuerza you will be able to know where to invest in advertising, and additionally know how many leads and customers you generated for me.

Ignore the competition

It is extremely important to know why I am losing sales, what are the prices of my competitors; sellers can give feedback to the company; and make analysis that tells you why you are not selling or what products and services I should invest in to increase my sales.

Lack of focus

Not having the ability to effectively serve all of my customers and clients.

Poor inventory management

Accumulating inventory, not having control over what we buy, not knowing what to buy.

InterFuerza is a solution where you can take control of the business with the modules: My Company, My Finances, My CRM. In this solution you can prospect, take Pipeline sales, know how much you invested in a project vs. actual profit, the reasons why a sales opportunity was not successful, keep the agenda of the sellers and have control of the sales curve, control of purchases, inventory, fixed assets, finances and all in real time.

Dare to turn your business around with InterFuerza!

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