A Platform designed to control your entire operation.

Controla toda la operación de su organización desde una sola plataforma multicanal diseñada para crecer y adaptarse a sus necesidades. Sus ventas, compras, clientes, facturación y mucho más, centralizando en uyn solo lugar.

Operaciones de ventas

Your operation under control in one tool.

A multi-channel platform designed to grow with your organization.

Sales Channels

Operaciones - Canales de Ventas
EMP Proveedores

Control your purchases

Service and Inventory Management

Finanzas - ReportesContables

Your operation under control in one tool

A multi-channel platform designed to grow with your organization.

Sales Channels

With the My Business module, manage all your sales information associated with your customers. Control your billing, collections, service contracts. Check statistics and generate reports in real time.

Operaciones - Canales de Ventas
Finanzas - FinanzasCentralizadas

Control your purchases

You will be able to manage from your purchase orders to the final purchases made to your suppliers. Manage associated costs, partial purchases, and much more from the My Company module.

Service and Inventory Management

Your products and services centralized in a single tool. Control your historical movements, purchase rates and reorder points from your My Business module.

EMP Productos

Una sola nube, múltiples herramientas

herramientas crm Operaciones Facturación Electrónica

Electronic Invoicing

Integrate this new digital invoicing modality into your organization and optimize your daily process.

Iconos Herramientas Operaciones_Costo Asociado

Costs Associated with Purchases

Relate other costs to your purchases to get actual average costs for each purchase.

Iconos Herramientas Operaciones_Costo Asociado

Product Categories

Create multiple categories and sub-categories to better control your inventory.

Iconos Herramientas Operaciones_Boton de Pago

Payment Button

Send your invoices from your platform. Your customer will be able to pay online with their credit card.

Iconos Herramientas Operaciones_Limite de Credito

Credit Limit

Establish credit limits for your customers and suppliers.

Iconos Herramientas Operaciones_Matriz de Producto

Product Matrix

Control your inventory, by sizes and colors. Get product codes for each product.

Una sola nube, múltiples herramientas

herramientas crm Operaciones Facturación Electrónica

Electronic Invoicing

Integrate this new digital invoicing modality into your organization and optimize your daily purchasing & sales process.

Iconos Herramientas Operaciones_Boton de Pago

Payment Button

Send your invoices from your platform at Interfuerza. Your customer will be able to pay online with their credit card securely.

Iconos Herramientas Operaciones_Costo Asociado

Costs Associated with Purchases

Link other costs to your purchases to get actual average costs for each product or purchase you make.

Iconos Herramientas Operaciones_Limite de Credito

Credit Limit

Set credit limits for your customers and suppliers. Either by days or pre-agreed amounts.

Iconos Herramientas Operaciones_Costo Asociado

Product Categories

Create multiple categories and sub-categories to better control your inventory. By type, brand, nature or origin.

Iconos Herramientas Operaciones_Matriz de Producto

Product Matrix

Control your inventory, by sizes and colors. Get independent product and UPC codes for each product.

Are you ready to transform your business?

Take the first step to digitize your business with the powerful features of InterFuerza. Start your free trial now.

Chatea con un Asesor
Transforma tu Negocio con InterFuerza