Entre los suscritos a saber: INTERFUERZA, INC. Persona jurídica debidamente inscrita según las leyes de la República de Panamá, a la Ficha 2541393, Imagen 1, Documento 824951 DV 63 de la Sección de Micropelícula (Mercantil), del Registro Público y por otra parte el CLIENTE de generales descritas en las solicitudes y registro de servicio vía plataforma o escrita, acuerdan celebrar el presente contrato sujeto a los siguientes términos y condiciones.

First: Between The Parties

INTERFUERZA, INC. and the CUSTOMER agree that the purpose of this contract is to provide the following service called INTERFUERZA according to the following clauses.

Second: Terms of Use

These terms of use do not limit, alter or modify, nor do they imply any waiver of any industrial property rights and copyrights, and any other rights that INTERFUERZA, INC. has in the software and service called INTERFUERZA.

CUSTOMER may have to use any version of code authorized by , INC. INTERFUERZA authorized by INTERFUERZA, INC. with the limitations and conditions set forth in these terms and conditions.

2.1. The Terms and Conditions

The following Terms ("Terms") govern your use of this site and platform on the World Wide Web ("Site") of Interfuerza a service of INTERFUERZA, INC, and the services available on this site ("Services") and are legally binding on you.


CUSTOMER agrees that INTERFUERZA INC. or its designee, may make changes to these terms at any time without notice or consultation. We will notify you of such revisions by posting an updated version of the terms on the site. The CLIENT is responsible for periodically reviewing these terms. Your continued use of THE SITE AND/OR THE SERVICES will constitute your acceptance of any such changes to the terms. In addition, INTERFUERZA INC. or its designee, may make changes to the service at any time, or adjustments and other necessary to improve the product. Changes or updates may result in a fee increase.

2.2. Service Activation

Except for the obligations arising from the acceptance of this contract which are detailed in the following clauses, the contract will come into force when the following conditions are met: (1) The approval by INTERFUERZA INC. or its designee of the application submitted by the CUSTOMER, and (2) The activation of the product/service by THE COMPANY. INTERFUERZA by THE COMPANY.

2.3. Payments and Service suspensions

El CLIENTE manifiesta por este medio que acepta expresamente el cobro de trescientos dólares americanos (USD$300.00) que representan un cargo de activación que se pagará al inicio de la adquisición del Servicio INTERFUERZA y una tarifa mensual que será cobrada a principio de la relación comercial y dentro de los primeros 5 días de cada mes la cual esta descrita en los términos y condiciones aceptados y solicitud de producto INTERFUERZA, donde también se describe el plan al cual se esta suscribiendo.

2.3.1. Payment Methods

The CLIENT also agrees to make the aforementioned payments by credit card either VISA or MASTER CARD, upon approval of the application for the automatic discount of your credit card through the platform INTERFUERZA. Payment may also be made by direct bank transfer to the account of INTERFUERZA INC.

The CUSTOMER will pay a fee for each initial user or group of users who decide to use or hire. Made the payment per user, it will be understood, accepting the agreement in all terms herein. The fee to be paid will be published in Interfuerza - site, and, will be extended constants of law to the payment. If the customer subsequently decides to get more users the rate will increase, without notice, for each user you add, without the need to sign or accept another agreement, understanding that each user enters and is governed by this contract.

2.3.2. Refunds and partial payments

INTERFUERZA INC will not make any refund on the payment made on the amounts of users, or contracted services for the use of INTERFUERZA, nor will it make any refund if the customer has previously signed and accepted the quote sent by INTERFUERZA which is governed under these terms and conditions; the CUSTOMER understands that he/she must use the services within the contracted time.

INTERFUERZA INC. or its designee is not obligated to receive partial payments. Receipt of partial payments does not indicate an interest in modifying the prices or terms of this agreement. These terms and conditions shall be enforceable and enforceable. The legally required proof of payment may be sent by email, and the sending thereof shall constitute proof of required invoicing and other legally required proof of payment and evidentiary means.

The fee payable may be increased by the rate of inflation or CPI, annually. All notifications will be made on the "site" or software and any means of notification used will be valid.

2.3.3. Suspensions and Cancellations of Service

The CUSTOMER also understands that upon incurring in payment arrears for thirty (30) days, either by deactivated card or lack of funds will be suspended access to the system, and if the arrears amount to three (3) months, will proceed to delete the information contained in your account INTERFUERZA. If the CLIENT wishes to recover his account with the information, he will have to pay the equivalent of the months in arrears and a reactivation corresponding to one hundred dollars ($100.00).

And, the CUSTOMER irrevocably waives any type of claim, demand, administrative and/or judicial actions against INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee, for the loss of information and damages that such loss may cause, when such information has been deleted or eliminated due to the CUSTOMER 's delinquency as explained in the preceding paragraph.

Note: Delinquency occurs when the customer makes partial payments or misses one (1) payment by the due date stipulated in this contract or on the Interfuerza website.

THIRD: General use restrictions

Except for the Software INTERFUERZA, INC. or software offered by the developers on the Site, if any ("INTERFUERZA"), the download of which is governed by the license agreement associated with such third party software, and except for third party content which is provided by third parties, all information, documents and services provided on this Site, including trademarks, logos, graphics and images (collectively, the "Services") are provided to you by INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee, except as expressly contemplated herein.

CUSTOMER acknowledges that they have no right, title or interest in or to the materials on any legal basis whatsoever, and that the use does not grant CUSTOMER any authorization, (other than as permitted by this agreement) or assignment or waiver of the same by INTERFUERZA INC. or its designee.

INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee, grants you the limited right to display the material on your personal computer, and to copy and download the materials appearing on this site, provided that: (1) the copyright notice of INTERFUERZA INC.(listed below) appears on the materials for display, copying or downloading; (2) display, copying or downloading is solely for your personal and/or internal non-commercial use. CUSTOMER acknowledges and agrees that it has no right to modify, edit, alter or enhance any of the materials in any way. This license shall automatically terminate, without notice, upon any breach of any of these terms and conditions. INTERFUERZA, INC. may remove your posting from this Site and/or the Services with or without cause. In the event of termination of this limited license, CLIENT agrees to immediately destroy any printed or electronic materials and cease all use of the Site and/or the Services.

You are prohibited from taking any action intended to circumvent or attempt to circumvent the security and access control provisions of the Site and Services. Such prohibited conduct includes, without limitation, (a) any effort to issue an account registration with a password that has not been assigned to you; (b) accessing personal information not intended for you; (c) testing security measures on the Site and or attempting to identify system vulnerabilities; (d) impersonating any other user of the Site and/or Services, or forging any other user of the Site and/or Services, or otherwise misrepresenting any other user of the Site and/or Services, or forging any password that has not been assigned to you; (d) impersonate any other user of the Site and/or the Services, or forge any header information in any posting or manipulate the TCP/IP packet header; (e) modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, or allow others to attempt to discover computer code on the Site and/or the Services; or (f) disable or disable the Site or the Services or interfere with access to and use of the Site and/or the Services by any other user.

If INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designeebecomes aware of any of the foregoing activities, it may investigate and respond to any such occurrences and may work with law enforcement authorities in investigations and prosecutions of violators. Your continued use of the Site and Services is expressly conditioned upon your compliance with the foregoing prohibitions and with the obligations and restrictions. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you acknowledge that INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee, expressly prohibits the following and CUSTOMER agrees to accept the same:

  1. Posting false, inaccurate or misleading third party content.
  2. Use the Services and/or the Site to violate any applicable law or regulation, including, without limitation, violating the copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property rights of any third party, or violating the privacy or publicity rights of any other person.
  3. Post any third party content that is abusive, defamatory, discriminatory, hateful, obscene, vulgar, sexually oriented, threatening, or otherwise objectionable.
  4. Harass, stalk, or otherwise subject any other user of the site and/or services to unwanted and/or inappropriate contact.
  5. Sending unsolicited mail or email, making unsolicited telephone calls or sending unsolicited faxes and/or advertising any products or services either directly on the Site or Services, or by making unsolicited contact with any user via email, telephone, postal mail, or any other method of communication.
  6. Make any changes, additions and deletions to any of the third party content posted by any user without the express written permission of another user.
  7. Take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large burden on site infrastructure.
  8. Include misleading, irrelevant indications and/or hidden words in any third party content by you.
  9. Picture or web link to any content or information available on the site unless INTERFUERZA, INC. expressly authorizes such linking and/or framing.
  10. Intentionally expose the site and/or service to any computer virus or any other program or code that would disrupt or disable the operations of the site and/or service.
  11. Use robots, spiders or any other program or device to retrieve or index any part of the site,
  12. Collect information about other users for purposes other than the use of the site and/or services as expressly permitted herein.

In addition to the foregoing, if you are a developer making third party software available to users through the Site, CUSTOMER acknowledges that INTERFUERZA, INC expressly prohibits and agrees to:

  1. Posting of Third Party Software or Third Party Content in inappropriate categories or areas on the Site.
  2. Post or otherwise make available to users through the Site any Third Party Software or Third Party Content that does not benefit users of , INC. products or services; or Third Party Software or Third Party Content that is competitive with, or o INTERFUERZAtherwise benefits users of , INC. products or services. or any Third Party Software or Third Party Content that is competitive with, or otherwise benefits the benefits of, competitors, INTERFUERZA, INC. products and services;
  3. Use the site if you are unable to form legally binding contracts, are under the age of 18, or are temporarily or permanently suspended from using the site of INTERFUERZA, INC;
  4. You may not deliver third party software or Third Party Content purchased or otherwise acquired from the CUSTOMER, unless the acquirer does not comply with the written terms;
  5. Circumvent or manipulate the billing process established by INTERFUERZA, INC.to facilitate the processing of orders on your behalf, or use the software to circumvent or violate in compliance with national, local, or applicable tax laws;
  6. Transfer or allow others to use your developer account and user ID without the prior written consent of INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee; and OR ITS DESIGNEE;
  7. Perform any act prohibited by applicable law or this contract.
*The above list of prohibitions is illustrative and is not intended to be exhaustive or exclusive. 

INTERFUERZA, INC. reserves the right to terminate your relationship with you under these terms and to bar your access to the Site. INTERFUERZAINC. reserves the right to remove any third party software or remove, edit or close any third party content, including, without limitation, any action that INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee, in its sole discretion, determines to be inappropriate or harmful to the Site Interfuerza, the Services or any user.

FOURTH: Registration and protection of access passwords

Before accessing certain services on the Site, INTERFUERZA, INC. makes it necessary to set up a username and password as set forth in the account registration procedures on the Site. The CLIENT agrees to comply with the procedures specified by INTERFUERZA, INC. from time to time with respect to obtaining and updating passwords for site and services.

The CLIENT agrees to assume sole responsibility for the security of passwords issued in his or her name. Passwords are subject to cancellation or suspension by INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee, at any time, including upon account deviation or breach of these Terms. You agree to ensure that you will use your best efforts to prevent any third party from obtaining your password, and you shall immediately inform INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee in writing of any actual or potential unauthorized access to a password or to the site and/or services.

FIFTH: Transactions with developers

INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee, operates online marketplaces on some of its sites that allow developers to make third party software available to users through the Site. The third party software available on these sites is, in each case, the intellectual property of the respective developers, and may be subject to licensing agreements, terms of use and/or privacy policies of such developer. In addition to the foregoing, CUSTOMER acknowledges and agrees that INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee, is not a party to, nor is it involved in the actual transaction between the developer and users in the purchase of third party software provided by these developers. INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee, does not control the operation and does not guarantee the quality, accuracy, legality or security of third party software, nor does it make any warranty with INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee, the ability of the developers to provide third party software or the ability of purchasers to pay for them. All transactions shall be governed by the terms of sale executed by and between the developer and the purchaser. INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT.

SIXTH: Third-Party Content and Advertisements

"Third Party Content" means, collectively: (1) content and information licensed by INTERFUERZA a service of INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee, to third parties for display on the INTERFUERZASites; and (2) content, information and material posted on the Site by third party users of the Site. Third party content available on these sites is, in each case, the intellectual property of the respective third parties or third party users of the site. The CUSTOMER acknowledges that it is responsible for the third party content and personal (or your company) that the CUSTOMER publishes on the site and that the CUSTOMER, shall be solely responsible for the third party content it publishes, including its legality, reliability, appropriateness, originality and copyright. By posting any third party content or personal, to the site containing images, photographs, drawings or otherwise graphic in whole or in part ("Images"), the CUSTOMER represents and warrants that:

a) The CUSTOMER is the owner of the rights of such images, or that the owner of the rights of such Images has granted permission to use such Images or any content and/or images contained in such images consistent with the form and purpose of its use and as permitted by these Terms;

b) It has the necessary rights to grant the licenses and sub-licenses described in these conditions, and;

c) That each person appearing in such Images, if any, has consented to the use of the Images as set forth in these Terms, including, by way of example, and not as a limitation, the distribution, public display and reproduction of such Images. No compensation will be paid with respect to the use of your Images;

d) The Client agrees to abide by all applicable national and/or international data use laws, whichever is applicable, and shall be directly responsible for any violation thereof. INTERFUERZAd) The Client, its staff, officers, directors, and employees are not responsible for, and will not pay, any compensation with respect to the use of their images or others handled by the Client for any violation of law that the Client executes.

SEVENTH: Links to Third Party Sites

This Site may provide links to other Web sites or resources over which a Service or its designee has no control ("External Web Sites"). INTERFUERZA a INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee, does not control ("External Web Sites"). Such links do not constitute an endorsement by INTERFUERZA nor an INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee, of such External Web Sites. CUSTOMER acknowledges that INTERFUERZA a INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee, provides these links only as a convenience, and further acknowledges that INTERFUERZA a INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee is not responsible for the content of such external Web sites. Your use of external websites is subject to the terms of use and privacy policies found on such external websites. The data handled by the CLIENT is the responsibility of the CLIENT.

EIGHTH: Trademarks and Copyrights

The trademarks, service marks, brands, trade names, trade dress, logos and designs ("Marks") of INTERFUERZA, INC. and/or INTERFUERZA or those used in this site and the services are the property of INTERFUERZA, INC. or their respective owners. CUSTOMER may not delete or alter any Trademarks.

CUSTOMER may not use any trademark displayed on the Site or in the Services without the express written consent of INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee, or its respective owner, and nothing contained on this Site grants by implication, waiver, estoppel or otherwise, any right to use any such marks. All data and information appearing on this site and in the services, including but not limited to, the elements of text, design, images and icons, as well as the selection, assembly and arrangement thereof, are the exclusive property of INTERFUERZA, INC. Copyright © 2010, unless otherwise specified. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. Except as required by applicable law, any reproduction, distribution, modification, retransmission or publication of any copyrighted material is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the copyright owner.

NINTH: Compensation

The CLIENT agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless INTERFUERZA, INC. and its affiliates, representatives, partners, agents and employees from and against any and all liabilities, claims, costs and expenses, including attorneys' fees, arising out of or in connection with your use of the Site and/or the Services, any transactions relating to the acquisition of third party software or Third Party Content, or your violation of these Terms.

TENTH: Limitation of Warranty

The CLIENT acknowledges and accepts that this site INTERFUERZA and / or services may include certain errors, omissions, outdated information that may affect the quality of the data and information. CUSTOMER acknowledges that the data and information has not been independently verified or authenticated in whole or in part by INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee, and agrees that INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee, does not guarantee the accuracy or timeliness of the data and information and further agrees that INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee, has no liability for any errors or omissions in the data and information, whether provided by INTERFUERZA, INC. or its licensors.

INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designees, for itself and each of its licensors, makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to the quality, suitability, truthfulness, accuracy or completeness of any information or data and information contained on the Site and/or the Services, including without limitation the data and information, third party software and all third party content. Unless otherwise expressly stated, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Site INTERFUERZA and or the Services and any information or data and information contained on the Site are provided to you "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis and are for your personal or internal business use only. All conditions, representations and warranties, express, implied, statutory or otherwise, including any warranty of merchantability, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS, are hereby excluded. INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee, provides the services "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.

Eleventh: Limitation of Liability

Neither INTERFUERZA, INC. nor its agents, licensors, affiliates or suppliers of third party software or third party content shall be liable to CUSTOMER or any third party for any form of damages (including, without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential, ) arising out of or relating to the use or attempted use of the Site INTERFUERZA or the services, including, but not limited to, the results of the use of the site and/or services, any INTERFUERZA and/or services, any transactions relating to the acquisition of third party software or third party content, from external websites linked to this site, or from materials on the site, however arising, whether in tort or in contract, even if INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee, was advised of the possibility of such damages.

TWELFTH: Release

If CUSTOMER has a dispute with one or more users or developers, it hereby releases INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee, (and its officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures and employees) from claims, demands, liabilities and damages of every kind and nature, known and unknown, resulting from or in any way connected with such disputes.

THIRTEENTH: Assignment of Rights

The CLIENT accepts that all the obligations contained in this contract will remain, as indicated in this document, in the event that INTERFUERZA, INC. or whoever it designates, decides to change its corporate name, or decides to merge with another company whether it is absorbed or not by that company, or decides to assign, transfer or otherwise dispose of the service, marks of its property to a third party. Therefore INTERFUERZA INC. or whoever it designates, under the new corporate name, or the company that remains or arises after a merger, or the third party acquiring the rights of INTERFUERZA INC. INC. or its designee, shall have all of the rights and obligations granted to INTERFUERZA INC. or its designee hereunder.

FOURTEENTH: General Provisions

INTERFUERZA INC. INC. respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask you to do the same. If you believe that your work has been copied on this site in a way that constitutes copyright infringement and appears on this page, you should provide INTERFUERZA INC. or its designee's copyright agent with the following information:

  1. an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner;
  2. a description of the copyrighted work that the CLIENT claims has been infringed;
  3. a description of where the material that you believe to be infringing is located on the site;
  4. your address, telephone number and e-mail address;
  5. a statement by you that the CUSTOMERhas a good faith beliefthat the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent or the law, and;
  6. a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the information in your notice is accurate and that the CUSTOMER isthe copyright owner or authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

INTERFUERZA INC., acting as the copyright agent for INTERFUERZA INC. for notice of claims of copyright infringement on this site, may be accessed as follows:

By mail:


Attention: Legal Department.

Albrook Field, BPA Building. Offices 200. Panama City, Panama.

By Phone: +507-202 1234

By email: legal@interfuerza.com

INTERFUERZA, INC. controls and operates this site from its headquarters in Panama and makes no representation that the Services or Materials are appropriate or available for use in locations other than Panama. If you use this Site or the Services outside of Panama, CUSTOMER shall be responsible for compliance with applicable local laws, including but not limited to export and import regulations of other countries regarding materials, third party software or third party content. CUSTOMER may not assign, voluntarily, by operation of law, or otherwise, any rights or delegate any rights under these terms without the prior written consent of INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee and any attempt to do so without such consent shall be void. These terms shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns. These terms shall be governed by the laws of Panama, without regard to the choice or conflicts with other laws of any jurisdiction. The parties agree that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980) is specifically excluded from the application of these Terms.

The CUSTOMER shall submit all litigation, actions, claims, or causes of action related to these terms or in connection with this site only in federal and state courts located in Panama. If any provision of these terms is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, then such provision(s) shall be construed as nearly as possible to reflect the intentions of the parties, with all other remaining provisions in full force and effect. Failure of INTERFUERZA, INC. INC., the Company or its attorneys-in-fact, representatives or assigns to enforce any right or provision of these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and accepted by INTERFUERZA, INC. in writing. These terms constitute the entire agreement between CUSTOMER and INTERFUERZA, INC. or its designee, and supersede all prior or contemporaneous negotiations, discussions or agreements, if any, between the parties concerning the subject matter contained herein. Except for the rights of INTERFUERZA, INC. to modify these terms as described above, these terms may be modified or supplemented only by a writing that is duly signed by representatives.

FIFTEENTH: Recruitment

It is understood between THE PARTIES that during the term of this contract, they may not hire personnel working in any of the companies or affiliated companies of the other party, or owned by THE PARTIES without prior consent and signed acceptance of the affected party.

SIXTEENTH: Term and Termination of the Contract

The contract comes into force and effect from the moment the service and product (cloud software Interfuerza) is accepted via the web. This contract may be terminated by:

1) Unilateral decision of the company;

2) Lack of payment by the client, for one month, or for late payment;

3) Any legal grounds for termination of contracts;

4) For breach of a single provision of this contract;

5) By agreement between THE PARTIES.

In the case of termination of the contract, INTERFUERZA INC in good faith, will send an email requesting payment or indicating the termination (end) of the contract, which will serve as notification, then, or whoever it designates, will be empowered to delete data / accounting information, CRM and others, entered by the Client. INTERFUERZAINC, or its designee, will be empowered to delete the data / accounting information; CRM and others, entered by the Client at INTERFUERZA.

INTERFUERZA INC. or its designee will not return any amount to the CUSTOMER upon termination of the contract; and to avoid incurring these additional charges, the CUSTOMER agrees to notify INTERFUERZA INC. or its designee thirty (30) days prior to the date of cancellation of this contract within its active billing period, to perform the respective actions to terminate the service. THE CUSTOMER must be up to date in their payments and request in writing the cancellation of the service to INTERFUERZA INC. or its designee.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the breach or violation of any of the clauses of this contract shall give rise to the termination of the contract by INTERFUERZA, INC. Notifications may be made by the company in its entirety via email, and this is accepted by the Client.

This contract is enforceable for the settlement of any dispute.

As of the date of acceptance either by physical signature or registration through the INTERFUERZA INC. website.


Chatea con un Asesor
Transforma tu Negocio con InterFuerza