Interfuerza: soluciones tecnológicas avanzadas para superar los desafíos del retail moderno

El mundo del retail está evolucionando a un ritmo sin precedentes, impulsado por la innovación tecnológica y los cambiantes comportamientos de los consumidores. Las empresas del sector se enfrentan a desafíos multifacéticos, desde la gestión eficiente de la cadena de suministro hasta la creación de experiencias de compra excepcionales.   El sector retail se encuentra en…

Blog Seguimiento de tu dinero-01

Interfuerza vs Switch-Soft

¿Qué puntos debes considerar al escoger un sistema de gestión empresarial? Entendemos que es de suma importancia el sistema donde se gestionará y archivará todos los datos de una empresa.  Es por esto que InterFuerza, con más de 18 años a la vanguardia en tecnología, suministra una herramienta para todo tipo de negocio, fácil de…



Campos Personalizados Personaliza tus formularios de cliente, productos & servicios, cuentas, proyectos, casos y tareas en los módulos de Mi Empresa y Mi CRM. Solicítalo Unidades de Medida Ahora en el sistema de InterFuerza podrás configurar tus decimales y unidades para tus productos y compras con la Unidad de Medida de InterFuerza. Pregúntanos SEO en…

Blog Mitos del B2B-01

3 Myths of B2B Online Shops

When it comes to selling, B2B (Business-to-Business) companies are just as much at home in the online market as B2C (Business-to-Customer) companies, even though they are not the most common in this type of sales channel. Learn about some of the most common myths that make B2B companies afraid to take the step of going online....

Online Store InterFuerza

Open your digital doors with eCommerce.

Since the world has been immersed in the pandemic, we have closed the physical doors of our businesses. However, Ecommerce continues to grow and continues to strengthen around the world. Ecommerce grew and will continue to grow worldwide. That 5% that used to represent electronic sales, today could be even three or four...

Blog Home - Ecommerce from Scratch

Create an Ecommerce from scratch this 2019

Creating an Ecommerce from scratch and selling your products online is the goal of many businesses in Panama, especially when considering the high levels of Internet penetration and use of social networks. Just to mention one example, Panama is the country that uses Instagram the most in Latin America, which makes it an ideal place to...

How do I sell my products on Instagram and Facebook?

How do I sell my products on Instagram?

Social media has completely changed the rules of the game for retail businesses. How do I add Instagram's new features to offer products? Do I need to have my own website? We answer some of your questions about how to sell products on Instagram and Facebook. How do I show products and prices from my profile? Since a few...

7 Keys to take advantage of the bargain season

Keys to create offers in your Online Store

The Panamanian market is experiencing a time of special offers, which represents an opportunity not only to position your business within the framework of well-known events, but also to strategically present a specific promotion to increase your sales. Why not imitate this strategy in your online store? Learn the steps...