Payment methods in InterFuerza

Always thinking about the convenience of our customers, we offer several alternatives for the payment of your bills InterFuerza, without leaving your office. Currently there are more and more platforms that provide the option to buy and pay your purchases without leaving your chair. This has not only facilitated the action of buying, but has optimized business and personal resources.

The payment methods provided by InterFuerza, promise to streamline the action of paying your bills month by month, as well as reduce the environmental impact and the time it takes to make a traditional payment. 

Remember when you had to go all the way to the bank to make your payments, or how tedious it could be to record the payment and write a check? Not to mention the logistics of delivery or notice for the vendor to look for the payment on time. All of this is history. The new platforms are designed so that the end user has at the click of a button facilities to help them optimize their operations and be more productive.

InterFuerza offers you three alternatives to make your payments without leaving your place:

Recurring Payment

Log in to your account at InterFuerza and securely register your credit card information. This way, month by month, the platform will automatically deduct the amount from your billing. We will send you a proof of payment either online or physically. For more details click here.


Online Payment

If you still don't feel confident about leaving your data permanently registered, you can log in to your account at InterFuerza. In the Billing section, look for the option to Pay Online . Here you manually register the amount to be paid. The platform will register your payment and send the payment receipt issued online.


ACH Payment 

Don't have a credit card yet? If this is your case, you can make a bank transfer from your Online Banking. Ask our Accounting Department for the information and pay your bills on time, without having to travel. All you have to do is send us proof of payment every month.


Do not hesitate to contact us to clarify your doubts. Activate electronic payment methods, optimize your time, your tasks and contribute to the care of the environment, less paper, less time, more productivity!

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