How to have several companies in one system? Introducing the function: MultiCompany

Blog Multiempresa

Sometimes, the entrepreneur is stable with his business, but along the way ideas and opportunities come along, with enough potential to undertake other new services or products in a new company... without leaving the management of his current company out of sight.

Also, with the evolution of Latin American companies, both in the public sector and in the private sector, it has been necessary to establish organizational restructuring changes. Consequence that leads to many adaptations such as: rotation of personnel, alliances between companies and / or its split [Division of something material or immaterial into two or more parts].

Looking at the latter definition, various organizations that are divided into different companies, not only the name of the company differentiates them, but also their corporate name, their legal representative, their value proposition. But, they can be part of a group. They are still part of the same team, but with different missions and objectives. And this is where the term Multi-company comes in.

What does it consist of?

Having a Multi-company function in a business management system allows us to create more than one company and/or account in an integrated way and to be able to manage the operation of each of them independently. This means that the different companies within a multi-company software do not have to be of the same type of industry to be equally functional at the management level.

Why does a business group need it? Here are some benefits:

  • Real-time information: You will have access from any device and interact with the different companies without leaving your session.
  • Accounting consultancy: Allows your accountant the access to the different companies, from any place and equipment.
  • Intercompany Functions and Reports: You will be able to make transactions between different companies associated in the tool, together with a history of transactions and accounting reports.
  • Automated Processes: Integrated administration and independent data, regardless of your industry, you can manage each of your different operations.
  • User Permissions: You will be able to assign permissions and restrictions to each of your users related to your companies.
  • Multi-currency: currencies between companies can be different, at the time of sales processes, collections, invoicing, among many other financial and accounting processes. This makes it possible to work in a multinational environment.
  • Mobile App Access: From your mobile app, you will have access to all your companies related to your user.

What if your management software doesn't have it? Here are the disadvantages of running businesses on standalone systems:

  • High Costs: having more than one system that meets the same objectives to manage your operations is usually more expensive.
  • Low Productivity: causes loss of time that can be valuable in the daily management of operations.
  • Origin of Errors: if you have the data of the companies divided in different sources, it is much more complicated to find the root of the information errors for their necessary corrections.


There is no limit to the number of companies you can manage. With InterFuerza, you will be able to manage all your companies from one place. You will be able to manage your operations data, generate purchase and sales reports, inventories, accounting reports, manage your user permissions,...and much more in real time.

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