InterFuerza & Cable Onda sign alliance

During the framework of the eleventh (11) Semana MiPyme developed by Cable Onda year after year to promote through 100% educational spaces the development of SMEs in Panama, an agreement was signed between the parties stipulating that Cable Onda will be able to distribute the InterFuerza platform to its end customers who are looking for a modern, reliable and easy-to-integrate business management solution. The agreement was signed by Nicolás González Revilla, General Manager of Cable Onda and Moisés Vega, General Manager of InterFuerza.

We invest in the development of our region and we know that this impact can only be achieved with valuable alliances that bring InterFuerza to every corner of our country, alliances with organizations that believe in local talent, and that support commercial development, cultivating market growth.

From now on, Cable Onda customers can ask their account executive to add to their commercial packages the InterFuerza solution, to control all the operations of their business, from CRM, through sales & purchasing, to the point of sale and accounting. All this integrated into a single platform designed especially for SMEs.

As part of our commitment to the region's entrepreneurs, we participated in the different sessions that took place during the Semana MiPyme. Our team shared a series of tips with all attendees about digital transformation. We want people to understand the magnitude of this reality and the aspects they should consider when taking this step in their organizations.

Transforming digitally should generate a greater connection between technology and the human being; making each experience much more human than in previous times. Solutions such as InterFuerza bring companies much closer to their employees and ultimately to their customers. The alliance between Cable Onda and InterFuerza, goes hand in hand with the philosophy of delivering comprehensive solutions and designed especially to help SMEs to transform correctly and grow in a controlled way.



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