Advantages of using an online CRM software


The intensive use of new technologies, as a source of information and knowledge, forces companies to reorient transactional marketing strategies towards a relational marketing model, in which the focus is on customer service.

Today's consumer doesn't want to be offered products he doesn't need; he may even get annoyed with traditional intrusive advertising, because he knows what he wants, knows the ways to find it and has the tools to do it.

He manages almost all his life and activities online, from which it is possible to identify him and establish a relationship of trust, so that both -the client and the company- achieve their goals, for a long period of time.

Knowing the customer cycle and how they behave online, through data collection and analysis, allows you to offer them personalized attention, make them stay longer on the website and buy more.

This is where the knowledge is needed to create a database, with accurate information that allows you to create a community of customers, approach them through digital channels and receive direct feedback on any topic.

Manage your customer relationships online

With this evolved concept of marketing, focused on the customer, technology offers us CRM(Customer Relationship Management) as an instrument created to detect the needs of customers and store the data, in order to segment them and adopt actions aimed at increasing their degree of satisfaction and loyalty to the company.

The CRM of InterFuerza is equipped with all the necessary tools to efficiently manage all your business connections, optimizing the process of customer service, technical support, customer loyalty, task management and internal functions.

For example with our Social Scan you can take advantage of the email address, which is usually linked to public personal and professional social profiles, to analyse the profile of each prospect. It is a particularly important tool for SMEs, simple and effective. Assuming that all customers have an email address, it is enough to assign the email address to the Social Scan to collect all the relevant information for a prospect.

Know your customer through timely interactions

The information allows you to verify the company's specialty, the client's address, telephone number, social profiles, contact details, company logo or position.

The data obtained are important for the company's interaction with the customer, but, above all, they are the inputs that allow us to know their preferences and behaviors, in order to make valuable interactions.

Our CRM includes a long list of functions, among which we highlight:

1. Prospect management, to follow up on sales opportunities, negotiation phases, scheduling events and making business proposals.

2. Opportunity management, to follow up and manage the activities necessary to convert potential sales into real business.

3. Account management, to create a portfolio of customers and handle all the logistics of customer service.

4. The management of contacts, to relate the directory of contacts of your customers, so that the staff of the company can take an optimal communication with each of them.

5. Case tracking, to visualize the type of case you have previously created and add extra information to complement the detail of the situation.

6. Teamwork, so that each member of the staff involved can solve a case, without the need to wait for the one who usually attends the client.

7. The assignment of tasks, to order the work to be done by a specific employee or a specific department.

These and other features of our software programs allow today's businesses to instantly obtain professional and detailed information about their contacts and focus their efforts towards an optimal personalized attention to the consumer who shows interest in a brand.

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