How many of you spend your lives between travel, meetings, events, demos, and more meetings? This is the reality of many executives in this day and age. And with these times, mobility, connectivity, optimization of time and resources are vital for anyone, regardless of their industry. We are increasingly hungry for information, and our need to be always connected is greater.
Thanks to mobile phones, we carry in the palm of our hand all our information, important and not so important. From social networks, to our online banking.
As entrepreneurs and technology providers, we realized several years ago, that our businesses are a vital part of our lives, and that being connected to it from anywhere, should not be a luxury, it should be a reality.
InterFuerza launched a couple of years ago its first mobile application, and gave all its users at that time a new experience. It allowed to connect an entire organization through an everyday device: Our mobile phone. Allowing all its users are connected anywhere, anytime to meet the needs of the digital world of which we are part.
Today, we have renewed not only the image, but also the features. The functionalities of the InterFuerza application range from checking your most important reports in real time, sales pipeline, to invoicing and inventory control; among many other digital functionalities of vital importance for a company and its work team.
"The Mobile App of InterFuerza is available for Android and iOS systems; it is a tool that feeds on the information provided in the web version and vice versa. All in real time.
Just download the application from your store, log in with your username and password (If you don't have your credentials yet, enter here) and you will automatically have your company's information in the palm of your hand, always up to date.
To facilitate the sales process, we added a barcode scanner, specially designed for organizations to have a modern tool to control their inventory and sales. Enter now and control your customers, quotes, invoices, opportunities and cases, calendar of events, and a variety of reports always updated to know the real status of your company.
For more information visit our website or contact our support team.